Includes the classic hydration mix containing a blend of pH-balanced, electrolyte-rich
solution to rehydrate, refresh and rejuvenate your body. Ideal for those suffering from
dehydration or a night out.
Hydration is a big factor to you health, especiallly when you are ill or even hungover.
Provides instant relief when you feel under the weather.
Additional Benefits: Relieves nausea and headaches, delivers an energy boost, rehydrates the skin, decreases inflammation.
Drip can benefit those recovering from serious illness or food poisoning or athletes wanting to maximise their performance. It is also particularly effective for those suffering from over-indulging.
Duration of infusion: 30-40 minutes.
Reccomended Plan
Treatment plan: 2 IV drip per week for 2 weeks then switch to maintenance plan.
Maintenance plan: 1 IV drip every 2 weeks ongoing.