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Basic Health Check


Start your journey towards better health with a comprehensive basic health check. This test helps you track key biomarkers over time, providing valuable insights into your liver and kidney function, and cholesterol. Regular monitoring ensures consistency in your health data, allowing you to make informed decisions about your well-being.


The basic health check is ideal for individuals looking to understand their baseline health status. Whether you’re proactively managing your health or monitoring ongoing conditions, this test provides a clear picture of your basic biomarkers. For best results, we recommend conducting this test at regular intervals to ensure consistent tracking of your health trends.


If your test results indicate any values outside the normal range, we strongly recommend consulting a doctor. Early detection and expert guidance can help you take timely action and maintain optimal health.


Explore more detailed health insights with our ESSENTIAL HEALTH services.


The finger-prick kit offers a simple at-home sampling method with all necessary materials, including step-by-step instructions and a pre-addressed  envelope for easy return. For the most accurate results, it is best to collect your sample in the morning and send it to the lab the same day. If you have any questions, our support team is always available to assist you.

For those who prefer a professional approach, the venous blood draw kit allows you to have your sample collected by a healthcare professional at a clinic or lab. This option provides a straightforward and professional experience, ensuring accuracy in the sample collection process. Both methods guarantee accurate testing, with analysis conducted at an accredited laboratory to ensure reliability and precision.


Each test kit includes a self-addressed envelope for Tracked24 return postage. If you are uncertain about the postal service efficiency in your area, upgrading to a guaranteed next-day delivery service may provide additional peace of mind and ensure your sample reaches the lab promptly.


Your blood sample will be analyzed at our laboratory. The facility is recognized for its professionalism and efficiency, ensuring that test results are processed quickly. Most results are uploaded on the same day the sample is tested, providing timely insights into your health.


Once your test results are available, they will be uploaded to your secure, bespoke platform. A detailed report  will  be provided, along with expert report if you chose one at checkout.  If any values fall outside the normal range, recommendations will be given on whether a consultation with a doctor is necessary. Taking control of your health monitoring with reliable testing can help you make informed decisions for a healthier future.

Test Included


Urea is a waste product it is produced as your body digests protein and is carried by the blood to your kidneys, which filter the urea out of the blood and into urine.
This test looks at how well your kidneys are functioning.

High urea levels suggest poor kidney function. This may be due to acute or chronic kidney disease. However, there are many things besides kidney disease that can affect urea levels such as stress, recent heart attack or severe burns; bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract; conditions that cause obstruction of urine flow or dehydration.

Low urea levels are not common and are not usually a cause for concern. They can be with low protein diets, excess hydration malnutrition or liver failure. Low urea levels are also seen in normal pregnancy.

Creatinine is a chemical byproduct molecule generated from muscle metabolism.
Measuring Creatinine is an accurate marker of your kidney function.

Higher than usual levels of Creatinine can be caused by a high intake of Creatinine supplements, animal protein and vigorous exercise however it can also mean that your kidneys are not functioning properly.

Lower Creatinine levels can usually be caused by a reduction in muscle mass, low protein diet. It can also be an indication that your kidneys are not functioning correctly.

Sodium is an electrolyte and a mineral. Sodium regulates the water and electrolyte balance of your body it is important in the operation of nerves and muscles. Sodium levels in your blood are regulated by your kidneys.

Excessive amounts of sodium found in your blood are often caused by dehydration however it can also indicate that your kidneys are not functioning properly.

Much lower sodium levels are caused by fluid retention or it can also be low due to vomiting, excessive sweating or diarrhea.

EGFR – this is a calculation created using your

eGFR (estimated glomerular filtration rate) is a measure of how well your kidneys are working.

Your eGFR is an estimated number based on your Other Kidney markers, your age & sex,


Bilirubin is a yellow pigment that’s in everyone’s blood and stool. Sometimes the liver can’t process the bilirubin in the body. This can be due to an excess of bilirubin, an obstruction, or inflammation of the liver. When your body has too much bilirubin, In both adults and children, symptoms related to high bilirubin can involve jaundice, a yellowing of the skin or eyes, fatigue, itchy skin, dark urine, and low appetite.

An alkaline phosphatase level test (ALP test) measures the amount of alkaline phosphatase enzyme in your bloodstream

Alanine transferase (ALT) is an enzyme which is produced by the liver and can indicate liver damage caused by alcohol, drugs or viruses (hepatitis). Small amounts of ALT are normal, but raised levels may indicate that your liver is inflamed.

Elevated levels of ALT can also be caused by recent vigorous exercise.

Creatine kinase (CK) is an enzyme chiefly found in the brain, skeletal muscles, and heart. An elevated level of creatine kinase is seen in heart attacks, when the heart muscle is damaged, or in conditions that produce damage to the skeletal muscles or brain.

The level of Creatine Kinase in the blood is measured to assess muscle damage – it can rise very quickly after muscle trauma, but will begin to lower as the damage is repaired. If Creatine Kinase continues to rise it indicates that muscle damage is not being repaired.

Gamma-glytamyl transpeptidase (GGT) is an enzyme which is found in hepatocytes and biliary epithelial cells. GGT may be high in liver disease. Gamma GT is also used to diagnose alcohol abuse as it is raised in 75% of long term drinkers.


Total Protein shows us the sum of albumin and globulin. It is more important to know which protein fraction is higher or lower than what the measure of total protein is.

Albumin is mostly made in your liver and helps to keep the blood from leaking out of blood vessels. It also helps carry medicines through the blood and is important for tissue growth and healing.

Lower albumin levels may be an indication of a liver disease and can also be an indication of chronic ill-health, malnutrition and inflammation. It can also occur in kidney conditions such as nephrotic syndrome and diabetes.

higher levels are usually caused by dehydration.

Globulin is made up of different proteins and is made by the liver and the immune system. Certain globulins will bind with haemoglobin while others globulins will carry iron in the blood and help fight infection.


Uric acid is a waste product from the digestion of protein. High uric acid level occurs when your kidneys don’t eliminate uric acid efficiently. Things that may cause this slow-down in the removal of uric acid include rich foods, being overweight, having diabetes, taking certain diuretics (sometimes called water pills) and drinking too much alcohol. Other less common causes are a diet high in purine-containing items or your body producing too much uric acid. When this occurs in joints it causes the painful condition known as gout.


The test measures the volume of iron within your blood with the aim of diagnosing iron deficiency anaemia or iron overload syndrome (haemochromatosis).

The symptoms of too little or too much iron can be very similar I.e fatigue, muscle weakness, moodiness and difficulty concentrating.

TIBC (total iron binding capacity is a measure of the volume of iron that can be transported through your blood.

A higher TIBC result is typically an indication of iron deficiency whereas low TIBC can occur with iron overload syndrome (haemochromatosis).


HDL % of total cholesterol is more indicative of your risk of cardiovascular disease thean total cholesterol alone.

A result below 20% indicates a greater risk of cardiovascular disease, while one above 20% is an indication of a lower than average risk.

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